Happy New Year Rawsters! Let’s take a look at some of the projected
food trends for 2022.
The following practises and habits are far from your conventional fad diets. These are styles of eating and drinking proven to be beneficial for your health and wellbeing – which all get a big thumbs up from me!
Plant-Based Eating
The concept of plant-based eating isn’t new, but we’re estimating a surge in this popular eating practise as we’re all becoming more and more conscious of our health and the impact our food choices make on the environment. Plant-based eating encourages the consumption of foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole- grains, lentils, legumes, nuts and seeds. Animal foods aren’t necessarily removed altogether but are moderated to reduce the intake of saturated fat and to improve sustainable practises.
Plant-based foods are high in fibre and have been proven to positively manipulate the bacteria that reside in our digestive tract, resulting in beneficial outcomes on our overall health and wellbeing. They’re also rich in disease- fighting antioxidants and immune system supporting vitamins and minerals.
If you want to find more out about plant-based eating, click here to read my
previous article https://rawc.com.au/what-is-a-plant-based-diet/
Need some plant-based recipe inspo? Click here!
Alcohol Be Gone!
It’s predicted that more and more of us will be dipping our toes into the ‘sober
curious’ movement this year. With initiatives such as Feb Fast, Dry July and
Ocsober, it seems more of us than ever are interested in embracing these
campaigns and reducing our alcohol consumption, and for good reason at that.
Looking to reduce your alcohol intake this year? Why not try a mocktail made
with Raw C Coconut Water, some sparkling water, fresh fruit of your choice and
mint leaves. The perfect refreshing tipple!
Check out our mocktail ideas here.
Goods for the Gut
Given the effect our gut can have on so many aspects of our health, we’re set to become more ‘gut-obsessed’ than ever before this year.
There’s still so much about the gut that we’re yet to understand, however as a Dietitian I can confidently say that our diet plays an imperative role in keeping our gut health in tip top condition.
Optimise your gut health by prioritising plant foods and prebiotic foods, such as onion, garlic, chickpeas, lentils, oats and cashews, and don’t forget to dabble in probiotics too, found in fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, kimchi and kefir.
Did you know you can make kefir from coconut water? Check out our social media for the details!
Eating More Mindfully
The anti-diet motion is gathering more momentum that ever before and we’re
seeing a shift from rule-driven eating practises to a more mindful approach,
encouraging us to tune in to our body’s hunger and fullness signals and
honouring them accordingly.
The concept of mindful eating can be difficult to grasp, especially if you’ve been
stuck in the dieting cycle for some time. If you’d like to explore the practise in
more depth, I recommend working with a Dietitian who specialises in this area.
Additional food trends to get amongst in the new year are eating for your mood,
mental health and brain function, and nutrition for immune support.
Do keep in mind that no single food or nutrient alone will dictate your health. It’s
more about your diet as a whole and ensuring you include a balance of foods
from the five good groups whilst making room for the foods you love and enjoy.
Millie Padula is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Nutritionist and Founder of Dietitian Edition dietitianedition.com