Q: How did you first get into BMX?
My older brother was my inspiration to get on the track. When I saw him on his bike, I
wanted to do it too! He was seven and I was three, and we’d go to the local track together
near where we lived in Queensland. Back then, I’d just ride for fun. But by the time I was
nine, I’d started racing. That year, I won my first State Title and competed in my first World
Title, coming fourth in my age group. I decided that BMX and becoming a pro BMX rider was
what I wanted to do. I started taking things more seriously, putting in more work and training harder. At the age of 18, I went elite and that same year I won the elite men’s national title at the Australian national championships and also got a podium place in the World Cup too. It was a pretty cool feeling to be doing so well! I’m 21 now and have racked up elite national and international titles and my big goal is to be part of the Australian BMX team for the 2024 Olympics. I really want to win a medal for Australia, it’s one of my biggest dreams and goals in the sport so I’m definitely putting the work in.
Q: What’s your training schedule like?
My training schedule can change a lot. I train five days a week, with maybe two or three of those as double sessions. I’ll do a gym session and then rest before heading to the track to get on the bike and work on starts, technical riding, speed… I’ll so sprint sessions two or three times a week as well. They are long days with Sam Willoughby, the Australian National Team Coach, but I love what I do.
Q: What do you enjoy most about the sport?
I enjoy the competitive side of BMX. I love showing up to a race and knowing you’ve got to put your best foot forward and do the best you can. I love training, putting in the work and seeing improvements every day. It’s that work that makes the feeling of winning the best feeling ever. Being able to tick off goals and look back and see what you’ve achieved makes all the effort worth it.
Q: What’s your biggest achievement in the sport to date?
The achievement of my goal of being a pro BMX racer. I’m making a living from riding my bike every day and working hard to become better and better. It feels great and I’m proud to do this every day.
Q: What’s the hardest part about competing?
Having to move away from Australia. I’ve been living and training in America this year and it’s been a big step. You do miss being at home with family and friends but at the end of the day, I’m doing what I love.
Q: What tips would you give to someone who wants to ride BMX?
Everyone starts somewhere. I was the same kid, dreaming about becoming a pro. You have to dream it and do it. Put your mind to it, put the hard work in, anything’s possible.
Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not training?
When I’ve got time out from the track, you’ll find me watching sports! As well as BMX, I enjoy UFC, motor cross and surfing. I also go surfing when I can – just for fun – and hang out with my friends and girlfriend.
Q: What’s your go-to treat?
I have a very healthy and clean diet but I can’t resist pizza. It’s my favourite!
Q: Why is Raw C coconut water important in your training regime?
Raw C coconut water is part of my training plan every single day. When I’m in the gym, doing sprints at the track, riding for fun…I’ll always be reaching for a Raw C to help me perform my best. It’s especially important that I stay hydrated on race days so I’ll always have a one litre near me. The electrolytes in coconut water help me to rehydrate when I’m recovering from competing and training too and it helps that it tastes great!